Smart Mode turns on an extension placed in macOS menu bar. It will display useful information about your system like CPU & memory usage or battery status. In addition, it will detect app you put in the Trash so as to offer a clean uninstall and you can be notified when your Trash reaches a certain size.
Smart Mode is fully configurable, both in terms of its functions and appearance. Check Smart Mode Preferences to learn more.
The progress bar displays the current processor load as a percentage. The higher the value, the more it means that your processor is busy performing tasks. Beyond 80% the bar will be displayed in red to indicate a very high load which could slow down your Mac and quickly drain your battery.
Below, you will see the current temperature of your processor as well as the speed of the fans, if your Mac has ones. This information is not available for the Mac App Store version of TrashMe 3, because Apple blocks these functions.
Clicking anywhere on the Processor box will display the list of processes that use your processor the most (note that for technical reasons, some system processes may not appear).
The progress bar shows how much memory is currently being used by all processes on your Mac. “Memory pressure” is an indicator of your Mac’s ability to quickly free up memory when needed. If this number is high, your Mac might run out of memory when an app needs it.
Clicking anywhere on the Memory box will display the list of processes that use the most memory (note that for technical reasons some system processes may not appear). TrashMe 3 will show the real memory used by each process here, not the memory as shown by default in the macOS Activity Monitor.
For Macs with a battery, you will be able to see at a glance the amount of battery remaining, the number of cycles of your battery, the health of your battery (its capacity) and an estimate of the time remaining when the Mac is not AC powered. More info about your Mac’s battery .
The progress bar displays the proportion of space occupied on your primary drive.
This section displays the name of the graphics card in use, for example if your Mac has multiple graphics cards, the current load of the graphics processor, its temperature, and the amount of memory used. The latter can either correspond to the memory entirely dedicated to your graphics card (for example for Nvidia or AMD cards) or the amount of system memory allocated to your graphics card.
Graphics card temperature is not available for Mac App Store version of TrashMe 3 because Apple blocks these function.
This section displays the name of the network protocol (Wi-Fi, Ethernet, USB, etc.) currently used by your Mac. If you are connected via Wi-Fi, the name of the access point will also be displayed.
Below is displayed the data exchanged in real time by your Mac, both upload and download.
Clicking anywhere on the Network box will display more details, such as your private IP address, your public IP address, and the IP address of the router you are connected to.
System Up-Time
This is the total time since your Mac was last restarted.
Favorite apps
At the bottom left of the window, you can see shortcuts to 3 apps by default: TrashMe 3, Console and Activity Monitor. These apps are fully customizable in Smart Mode Preferences.
Click on the cog icon at the bottom right corner to show advanced actions: here you can disable Trash monitoring or automatic uninstallation of apps.
If you choose “Round screen corners”, a nice effect will by applied to all your screens, as featured on new MacBook Pro 😉 You can customize this effect with the following Terminal commands:
defaults write com.jibapps.TrashMe3.Helper RoundedScreenCorners '20'
Apply a radius of 20 px for all corners
defaults write com.jibapps.TrashMe3.Helper RoundedScreenCorners '20, 20, 0, 0'
Apply a radius of 20 px for top corners, and disable for bottom corners
defaults write com.jibapps.TrashMe3.Helper RoundedScreenCornersOnlyBuiltin -bool true
Apply the effect only for the built-in screen
Note that you can hide one or more sections by opening Smart Mode Preferences.