Tag: TunesArt

Add new themes in TunesArt

One of our best-seller app is TunesArt, designed to add great features to iTunes and Spotify (and soon ‘Music’ app in macOS Catalina). Among those features, you can display a beautiful album artwork on your desktop. By default, TunesArt is shipped with 8 different themes to fit your needs and desires.

But maybe you did not know that you can add new themes to TunesArt? We offer 7 extra themes to download on our themes page. Most of these themes have been created by users we’d like to thank warmly. Krista has recently created a new theme, called “Scotch Tape Art” and it looks gorgeous! Visit her Devianart to discover more content.

To install a new theme, visit our TunesArt Themes page, download the zip file, double-click to unzip and then double-click on the ‘coverStyle’ file to install it. You can also try to create your first theme by reading the official documentation.

TunesArt is available as a Free Download with a 15 days trial period, so give it try!
More information | Buy Now | Release notes

TunesArt now supports Spotify

After a long time without any update, we’ve just released a new version 1.8 of TunesArt, our popular companion for iTunes. The major new feature in this release is the support for Spotify client in macOS.

SpotifySpotify is a popular music service, with 180 million monthly active users and 83 million premium subscribers. TunesArt now supports the macOS client: album cover of current track can be displayed on your desktop, playback can be controlled from TunesArt and you can quickly search in Spotify database. Obviously, you can also display lyrics of any track (through the LyricWiki API). Both iTunes and Spotify can be controlled, so you need to choose the preferred app in TunesArt preferences, just in case both apps are running at the same time.

We’ve also improved many functions, like notifications that can be automatically removed from macOS notification center, Twitter integration (genre and artwork can be included) and album covers with a new default theme. Last, we fixed several bugs.

TunesArt can be tried out for 15 days and is only 3,49€ for purchase.
More information | Buy Now | Release notes

New features for TunesArt 1.7

We’ve finally updated our iTunes Companion “TunesArt” to version 1.7. Apart from bugs fixes, this new version is now fully supporting Yosemite dark mode: all menubar items can be displayed either in black (normal state) or in white when dark mode is enabled. Also, all bezel notifications benefit from an update and will display differently according to the dark mode enabled or not.

Second, we’ve improved the lyrics window. We’ve added buttons to change font size directly, without going to preferences. And we introduced a transparent mode, which allows you to stick the lyrics on your desktop. To enable this mode, either go to Preferences or click the little gear button. And don’t forget to set the window level to ‘Desktop’.

Some users asked us about Apple Music. We’re working on it, but this new service has been launched only two weeks ago, so please be patient 😉


TunesArt 1.6.2 released

Today, we’re pleased to announce a new release 1.6.2 for our iTunes companion “TunesArt”.

Here is the change log :
– New personal setting to display album cover with Exposé
– FIX: Fixed incorrect state of play/pause buttons
– FIX : Fixed track position not updating with latest iTunes version

More information : TunesArt product information.


TunesArt 1.6 now available

After several weeks of active developement, we are proud to announce a new release of TunesArt on the Mac App Store. This version 1.6 is now sandboxed and fully optimized for OS X Mountain Lion (10.8) and Retina displays. It also adds some new features, revamped windows and a lot of bugs fixes. Check release notes on this page.

We’ve also put a small goodie for our Lyrics lover. Even if we can’t get back automatic lyrics fetching (check previous post), you can however download lyrics from LyricWiki in an easier way: press “Option” on your keyboard before clicking the “Show” button, and see what happens 😉

To celebrate this new release, you can buy TunesArt for just 2.99$ !


TunesArt 1.6 is coming

We’ve just sent a new release of TunesArt to Apple. This new version 1.6 is a major release. First, we’ve implemented sandboxing as resquested by Apple. We’ve also optimized TunesArt for Mountain Lion 10.8 (bugs fixes, notification center support) and for Retina displays. You’ll also find many other improvements such as new customizable keyboard shortcut, new Brazilian localization and revamped UI. Last but not least, we’ve fixed many bugs in this version (Amazon and Twitter engines were not working anymore).

We really hope you’ll enjoy this new release, so stay tuned, it’s coming … as soon as Apple approves the update (hopefully quickier than for TrashMe). Until then, check TunesArt page.


TunesArt 1.5 today on the Mac App Store

Today, Apple approved our application “TunesArt”, a great companion for iTunes, which you can buy on the Mac App Store.

This new version is compatible with Lion and new versions of iTunes and we’ve added a lot of new features : Twitter support, Tags manager, new theme (others can can be downloaded here), ratings directly in your menubar and a time slider on desktop controls (for full changelog, go to TunesArt page). We’ve listened to our customers and integrated most of popular requests.

By the way, we’d like to answer two common objections:

The application was free and now we have to pay.
Actually, we decided to offer a version with neaw features on the Mac App Store, instead of just putting previously available version. We charge only a few dollars for TunesArt and comparing to other apps, you’ve got more features (lyrics, Twitter, Tags manager…). Don’t forget you’ve got free updates and you can install TunesArt on your different computers. Last, donators may contact us to request a free copy.

Download of lyrics has gone!
In order to comply with Apple rules on the Mac App Store, we removed the automatic donwload of Lyrics (TunesArt has been rejected three times just because of this feature). This is a matter of copyrights, and we’re looking for a way to get this feature back, either with LyricWiki or another provider. For the moment, the lyrics window will inform you if lyrics are available on LyricWiki and you’ll be able to open the lyrics webpage. Then, you can use our new feature “Paste from clipboard” to paste and save lyrics with one click.

We really hope you’ll enjoy TunesArt, and hurry up, discount price will end the 14th of August!
Check TunesArt product page.
