In April 2010, we were launching our best-seller app, TrashMe, a powerful uninstaller for Mac. And one year later, TrashMe was available on the brand new Mac App Store launched by Apple.
We’ve constantly updated TrashMe during those 6 years. Many users contacted us to suggest new features and report bugs and we’d like to thank all of them. In the past few weeks, TrashMe development was focused on reliability: dozens of bugs have been fixed and we’ve improved search algorithm. But, we also added some nice features (get warning when your Trash is oversized, automatically close TrashMe after uninstallation, search for orphans…).
To say « Happy Birthday TrashMe », we’re offering today a new release 2.1.12, available on the Mac App Store. And as a bonus, TrashMe is 50% off for a limited time. Enjoy!
TrahsMe is only 3.99 US$, available on the Mac App Store (limited-time offer).